Jinks is working out.

He stops the treadmill and wipes sweat off his brow.

Jinks tells us how important it is to replenish your system with nutrients after a hard workout.

He displays a double pack of
Meeces Pieces.

...tears off the wrapper. "You know, uh, rodents are chock
fulla protein and like complex
aminos, man. - the more primitive the life-form, the more

He has a dried Pixie. "Eh
hyeh hyeh. Yeah, I know. It looks all shriveled-up-like a little mouse-prune! No problem..."

"Just moisten and
voila! They spring back to their juicy meaty origins, like, you know."

Uh, just so you know,
dese guys are full of
lytes to replenish your anemic like bloodstream. Heeey...I can feel my energy supply filling up the old gas tank

Boo Boo wants to try one. "My energy stores have been depleted too, Sir."

Jinks: "Call me Jinksie. Here ya go fat boy. Try one-a-these."

Boo Boo tells Dixie "You taste nasty."
Dixie: "Yeah, but I'm good for you!"

Jinks: "That's right. They are
real good for you-even if they
do taste like, you know -
"craaap" as he so crassly puts it."